Drunk Driving Accident Attorney

Are you a victim of a drunk driving accident?
Drunk driving accidents claim the lives of thousands of people in North Carolina every year. According to the most recent data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were 1,675 deaths attributed to drunk driving accidents in North Carolina. This statistic proves that drunk driving continues to be a problem in North Carolina, despite both nationwide and statewide efforts to inform people about the dangers of drunk driving.

If you or a loved one was seriously injured in any type of car accident, motorcycle accident or truck accident caused by a drunk driver, you can trust an experienced North Carolina car accident lawyer to help you take legal action against the responsible party. Not only do you have the right to file a lawsuit against the driver, but you may also have grounds to file a lawsuit against the bar, restaurant, or liquor store who provided alcohol to the driver. North Carolina’s Dram Shop laws state that a bar, liquor store, restaurant, grocery store, gas station, or any other establishment can be sued for damages if an employee:

  • Served alcohol to a person who was obviously intoxicated, and then that person caused an accident that resulted in injury or death, or
    Sold alcohol to a minor (a person under the age of 21) who injured another person in an accident
  • It is not necessary to prove the driver had a BAC level of .08 or more at the time of the accident. We just need to prove that alcohol impaired the driver’s ability to safely operate a vehicle, and that it eventually led to the accident. Once this has been proven, your attorney will seek punitive damages if possible. Under North Carolina law, victims of accidents involving drunk drivers are entitled to extra damages (punitive damages) that go beyond the usual compensation for injuries.

How a North Carolina Accident Lawyer Can Help
At our firm, we strongly believe that people who are reckless enough to get behind the wheel of a car and drive while drunk must be held fully accountable for their actions. If you or someone you love was involved in a drunk driving accident, you can trust an experienced North Carolina car accident attorney at our office to help you seek justice by filing a lawsuit against the negligent driver. Let us help you exercise your rights to recovery by allowing us to pursue your claim while you focus on recuperating from your injuries.

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